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& journaling expert Tanya Lynch


18th - 20th October 2024


We tap, swipe and click our devices at least 2600 times a day

We are permanently distracted, less productive, more anxious

and lacking the ability to concentrate for more than 10 seconds


Does this sound familiar to you?


Since the pandemic, we have become a nation that has endless zoom meetings with work colleagues,

family & friends, we overload and binge on social media updates and spend endless hours of aimlessly

scrolling our devices.


If you would like to learn how to take back control on the amount of time you spend on your device, find

new ways to entertain yourself, embrace more positive daily activities and generally feel more upbeat and happier,

then a Digital Detox could be just the tonic you're looking for.



A DIGITAL DETOX weekend retreat will give you the opportunity

to reignite your soul off screen, located in a stunning beach house, nestled in 

a bay along the Pembrokeshire coast.


Expect upbeat conversations, insightful discussions, no alarm clocks just a 'go back to bed' policy, 

healthy feasting, plenty of rest and stunning coastal walk, all guaranteed to rejuvenate YOU!


I deliver mindful digital detox weekends by the sea

to help you rediscover the benefits of a BALANCED & HAPPY life.


Come and stay with me and 8 other likeminded women, so you can find out how to live life with EASE.

If you would like more information or your contact details added to the waiting list please email 



Follow @easeretreats on Instagram for latest updates.



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