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with Ease Sara Dalrymple

Friday 27th September 2024



























Where: Spend the day with a small group of like-minded creative business owners in the most gorgeous venue hidden away in the Oxfordshire countryside.


What to expect: A one day retreat to blow up the sales in your creative business without the grind. Together, we’ll spend the day clarifying how you can bring in a steady supply of sales through the content you share online, in just 30 minutes a day. 


Through a series of workshops designed to inspire you and practical advice, you’ll gain clarity on exactly how to show up for your business and the specific content types you need to focus on for maximum benefit. This is a day where you’ll be able to ask Sara anything you like and receive the personalised support you require to increase your sales, so you can simplify the way you show up online, and experience more ease that doesn’t require you having to always be on or to “do” more. 


About: Sara is on a mission to show as many women as possible how to show up online in confidence in a way that makes you money without sleaze, ick or draining all your time. She’ll show you how to refine your everyday sales skills the simple way so that your business grows financially strong as quickly as possible. 


Following the brilliant launch of her Amazon bestselling book “More Sales Please”, Sara is now teaching the sales system that has helped thousands of women-owned small businesses make more money and grow confident in their money-making as an in person event. This one day extravaganza is perfect for anyone who is looking to increase sales this Autumn - Winter and beyond, even if you have a small audience, no email list and are short on time. All you need is something you’re ready to sell, 30 minutes a day and the desire to be known as someone who prioritises client experience and integrity at all times. 


Sara is a small business super fan and loves sharing her 20 years of experience through conversations about sleaze-free selling, female financial empowerment and business without burnout with other women claiming long term success without the grind.



This is for you if: 


  • You feel stuck with where your sales are at and how to grow them in a way that feels spacious and aligned 

  • You’re a creative, coach or consultant promoting what you do online (or preparing to)

  • You have something new to launch in the coming months (e.g. a book, a new service or collection of products) and you want to make sure it goes as well as possible 

  • September is the perfect time for you to focus on getting your sales activity right in the run up to Christmas and the year end

  • Your business is at a stage where you know you’d make more sales if you had a more confident approach to selling 

  • You love the idea of making more sales in a way that feels good to you i.e. without implementing complicated strategies, ads or tactics that aren’t in alignment with your personality 

  • You have an existing product or service that isn’t yet sold out and you’re ready for that to change 

  • You’re craving more clarity about the messages you need to hit in your content and overall marketing to drive sales 

  • You want to end the year on a high with a flurry of sales and a method you can repeat whenever you like!

  • You love the energy of in person events and being in community with other supportive creatives



How the day will flow:


Morning session with Sara: Building a spacious business that won’t burn you out 


Growing the business you want without grind 

Understanding your points of ease

Your non-negotiables for sales success


Afternoon session with Sara: How to have your best launch yet!


Key stages in the buyer journey 

Your step by step guide to having a sell out launch - the simple way

Content party   



How the retreat will help you:


Together, we will go through how you can leverage social media and your online presence as a business tool, whatever stage of business you’re at and no matter what you’re selling. The goal is not to spend more time online, it’s to spend LESS time online but to know exactly what to say and do to create sales on repeat. If you feel like you’re winging it online, this is the retreat for you!



You will: 


Come away full of practical tips on how you can increase the sales in your business in a way that excites you and feels fun 


Understand the stages of the journey each of your buyers go on before deciding whether to buy or not


Double down on using your social media as a way to support easier decisions that feel simple and right to the exact

people you would describe as “dream clients”


Identify at least 10-15 key messages your dream client needs to see in your content on repeat that allows them to make empowered choices they are excited about


Receive support on what’s missing from your content and feedback on how to fill in the gaps that lead to faster

and more sales 


Increase your confidence in what to say and how to say it in a way that attracts the people who want to

pay you (and only you)


You’ll leave bursting with inspiration, fired up about your upcoming season and armed with everything you need to have your best season of sales yet!





10am: Welcome! Grab a cuppa and find yourself a comfortable seat.


1030 - 1pm: An audience with Sara 

Morning Masterclass: Building a spacious business that won’t burn you out 


1pm - 2pm: Delicious light lunch


2 - 4pm: An audience with Sara

Afternoon Masterclass: How to have your best launch yet!

4pm - Q&A


430pm: Wrap up the day and say our farewells.​​


Spaces are £750pp but for a limited time only, you can secure your early bird ticket for £375pp


If you would like to book your place – please email 


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